Given a file of contigs (contig.fasta), reads will be mapped back against this file to determine the coverage of each contig.
Mapping with bwa mem
Index the file
bwa index -a is contig.fasta
Map the reads R1.fq & R2.fq against the contigs file
bwa mem -t 16 contig.fasta R1.fq R2.fq |samtools view -bS -F4 - |samtools sort - -o contig.bam
Calculate the coverage of contig within the contig.fasta file. Use the script
perl ~/Documents/scripts/ --bam contig.bam --out Contigs.coverage.txt
This will then produce a tab-delimited file that looks liked this:
ContigName MeanCov MedianCov stdev
region1 766.2 716 377.38
Coverage information will be needed for submission of sequences to EBI