
Monday6thPhage AMGs – automatic annotations and other pitfallsBranko13:30:0030 minsWarwick
Tuesday7thIdentification, induction and bioinformatics analysis of temperate phageAurelija13:30:0030 minsAlberta
Wednesday8thInvestigating bacteriophages with the potential of utilizing them as a control method for the opportunistic pathogen Acinetobacter baumanniiKathryn13:30:0030 minsWarwick
Thursday9thSomething about prophage in baby poop !Tamsin13:30:0030 minsCOPSAC
Friday10thGood Friday- everybody off out in the garden
Monday13thEaster Monday - everybody returns from garden
Tuesday14thUnderstanding the cost and mechanism of bacteriophage resistance in EnterobacteriaceaeLucy13:30:0020 minsLeicester
Tuesday14thMurder phage 2.0: Genetically engineering bacteriophages to combat antimicrobial resistanceChristian14:00:0020 minsLeicester
Wednesday15thIn vitro model systems of phage therapy in human cell environmentYing13:30:0020 minsWarwick
Wednesday15thConstruction of a bioluminescent bacteriophage against Staphylococcus aureusAnna14:00:0020 minsWarwick
Thursday16thEngineering of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa fluorescent bacteriophages as a method to detect infectionChristina13:30:0020 minsWarwick
Thursday16thPseudomonas phages -more to followRhinannon14:00:0020 minsLeick
Friday17th A first glimpse of the ant phageomeCharlie13:30:0020 minsLeicester
Friday17thBacteriophages against odour-producing bacteria in vacuum-packed pork productsFran14:00:0020 minsLeicester
Monday20thSpare slot13:30:0020 mins
Monday20thCharacterising the dairy famr slurry tank viromeRyan Cook14:00:0020 minsNottingham
Tuesday21stAn investigation of the molecular and cellular mechanisms of in vitro phage therapy in human cellsChristian13:30:0020 minsWarwick
Tuesday21stUsing bacteriophage to treat Klebsiella infectionsLucy-2Warwick
Wednesday22ndUnearthing the structure and function of phage communities in an agricultural soil ecosystemGeorgeWarwick
Wednesday22ndGeneration and optimisation of bacteriophage cocktails against KlebsiellaGeorge14:00:0020 minsLeick
Thursday23rdVibriophagesSlav13:30:0020 minsWarwick
Thursday23rdCatheters and Cardiovascular Disease – Are phage the cureEleanor14:00:0020 minsWarwick
Friday24thIdentification of the receptor binding proteins for  C. difficile bacteriophages.Ahmad13:30:0030 minsLeicester
Monday27thExploring the therapeutic potentials of bacteriophages in the control of nosocomial and gastroenteritis-causing pathogens using infection modelsJanet13:30:0030 minsLeicester
Tuesday28thSpare slot -
Tuesday28thAnother one on phage, probably Josh13:30:0020 minsWarwick
Wednesday29thNo talksLeicester
Thursday30thApplication of bacteriophages as antimicrobial agents in pigs to improve food safetyAnisha13:30:0030 minsWarwick
Friday1stWhen one is not enough: resistance in the face of ploidyBlanca13:30:0030 minsLiverpool
Wednesday6thSomething about phage- I guess
Rebecca13:30:0030 minsWarwick via Arizona
Thursday 7thThe potential of natural phage communities in biofilm degradation
Josh13:30:0030 minsWarwick
Thursday7thA Novel Phage Engineering Method for Multiple Applications
Ana14:00:0030 minsCanada
Friday15thPhageBoost - A new prophage predictorKimmo13:30:00<60 minsKU -Denmark
Monday18thPhage stuff Martha13:30:00<60 minsLeicester
Friday29thFrom phage to human cells to Lyme diseaseJinyu13:30:00<60 minsLeicester
Friday22ndNovel phage defense system in SalmonellaSian Owen13:30:00<60 minsHarvard
Friday 5th JuneHow do bacteria coexist with their phages: Evidence from marine picocyanobacteriaRich Puxy13:30:00<60 minsWarwick
Tuesday9th June“Using figures and visuals to complement your (phage) research”Ellie Jameson13:30:00<60 minsWarwick
Friday26th JuneProphage-Host Interactions: Pulling Back the Curtains on Pseudomonas Puppet Masters”.

Chloe James13:30:00<60 minsSalford